Attraverso queste opere sto cercando di trovare lo spazio tra gli oggetti. Viviamo in un mondo occupato da oggetti che vediamo, ma e riempito dall'aria che non vediamo. Questi dipinti sono un'indagine dello spazio tridimensionale realizzato attraverso l'uso del colore, forma, e la prospettiva artistica su una superficie bidimensionale. Il tema dell'albero è particolarmente importante perché l’essere umano dipende a alberi e piante per l'ossigeno che forniscono che riempia questo "spazio" con aria respirabile.
Through this body of work I am seeking to find the space between objects. We live in a world occupied by objects we see, and filled by the air we don’t see. These paintings are an investigation of three dimensional space realized on a two dimensional surface, through the use of color, form, and artistic perspective. The subject of the tree is particularly important because as humans we depend on trees and plants for the oxygen they provide to fill this “space” with breathable air.
Through this body of work I am seeking to find the space between objects. We live in a world occupied by objects we see, and filled by the air we don’t see. These paintings are an investigation of three dimensional space realized on a two dimensional surface, through the use of color, form, and artistic perspective. The subject of the tree is particularly important because as humans we depend on trees and plants for the oxygen they provide to fill this “space” with breathable air.